The month of December is brilliantly closing a year of transformation, surprises, and unexpected changes.

Pulled in by the transformational wave of the Full Moon in Gemini, we enter this last month of the mythical 2020, with a surge of clearing and resetting of our DNA, releasing deep states of dependency and old contracts of human slavery to materiality, violence, separation, and scarcity.

The process of re-discovering and releasing has softened our spirit and updated our value systems. We are letting go of the habit of following the latest trends blindly. We are allowing new opinions and ideas to affect how we view and organize our society. We are acquiring higher wisdom, accepting divine truths, and expanding our horizons as a whole.

On December 14th, the total eclipse and New Moon in Sagittarius will jump-start this process with optimistic and hopeful characteristics that will affect us for the next six months.

The Sagittarius’ New Moon is initiating the beginning of a new era, giving a new meaning to our lives in the quest for justice and fighting for our rights, unwilling to sacrifice our principles and human rights.

A vibrant spirituality is forming; a new fire ignites our passions, our minds are more joyous and optimistic. Finally, we are ready to let go of a false sense of powerlessness, as a new positive position of the feminine establishes itself within relationships.

This optimistic and positive prelude is a divine state of consciousness that lives within us and is preparing us for the most critical moment of the year: The Winter Solstice and the conjunction with Jupiter and Saturn on December 21st, 2020.

Jupiter and Saturn will be visible in the sky and will herald a new beginning in the era of Aquarius, starting a rapid transformation for Earth and humanity.

The Magic Ahead!

An epic moment, a new cycle with no road map, will bring opportunities that have never been available to humanity.

Aquarius is teaching us self-control, self-mastery, and sovereignty.

This means that we are abandoning for good the paternal ways that regulate our societies and abuse Earth’s resources and are entering a new experimental time to become independent.

Like the prehistoric dinosaurs disappeared by the changed frequency on Earth, so will the old patriarchal way of controlling humanity. Within the next twenty years, the controlling forces will die, not supported by the Earth’s frequency.
We are embracing humanity’s rebellious “teenager” phase, where we fight against the status quo to install a more inclusive and just society, with new values, new financial systems, advocating spirituality, equality, and love.

As we change from an earthly sign to an air sign, we will have to adapt at a much faster pace.

Science will slowly show its true colors. A higher frequency consciousness will enter to reveal the truth about the controlling, manipulative ways science wants to influence the world.

Ultimately, within twenty years, science will serve human evolution into spirituality.

A new resonance is present. Breathe it in and align with it. Enter this wonderful era of evolution/revolution, mature into independence and freedom. Be unstoppable and creative, courageous and daring, in togetherness and unity. Spiritually awakened and elevated.

See you there!

In Love,