As we approach the grand finale of each lunar cycle, we invite you to join us in a transformative journey under the radiant light of the Full Moon in Gemini on November 27th at 7:30 pm EST / 4:30 pm PST. This celestial event, also known as the “beaver moon” or “frost moon,” promises a unique opportunity for self-discovery, intellectual growth, and spiritual expansion.

The Gemini Full Moon, falling under the influence of the versatile and spontaneous sign of Gemini, invites us to evaluate our lives from various angles and make impartial choices. This cosmic occurrence is a potent force filled with energy, duality, and intellectual possibilities.


Embrace the wonderful duality within yourself, nurture open communication, and pursue intellectual stimulation to unleash your true potential.


During our Full Moon Meditation, we will focus on the chakras corresponding to Gemini energy. We will examine and rebalance these energy centers through breathwork, guided meditation, sound baths, and chakra-focused energy work. The meditation will conclude with a group card reading from the Wish Activation Cards channeled under the guidance of Archangel Gabriel.

This period offers a prime opportunity to establish boundaries with partners and release relationships that hinder your freedom. The Full Moon in Gemini on November 27th emphasizes the need for autonomy in relationships and encourages you to stay true to yourself.


Avoid committing to tasks that your future self may resent.


Gemini, an Air sign characterized by mental agility and movement, encourages adaptability and a greater propensity for change and adventure. Geminis are known for their charming and flirtatious nature, adding a touch of allure to this cosmic event.

The celestial arrangement during this Full Moon, with Mercury aligning with the galactic center and squaring Neptune, deepens our spiritual understanding and urges us to break free from limiting thoughts and beliefs that perpetuate a sense of separation. Embrace the powerful energy of the Gemini Full Moon to find light amidst the darkness and trust in your ability to embrace change.

The Sabian symbols associated with this Full Moon, an elderly owl resting on a tree, symbolize our search for light in the darkness and transcending the uncertainty and disorder of the present. This lunar event supports our trust in our ability to embrace change, reformation, and new paradigms.

In keeping with the Sagittarius-Gemini theme of broader consciousness, this period signifies death, rebirth, and the dissolution of outdated ways of thinking. Connect with the energies of Saturn in Pisces, our inner Shaman, and engage with spirit guides to strengthen the understanding that we are spiritual beings inhabiting Earth as expressions of cosmic consciousness.

As we shed past paradigms and witness their darkest expressions, trust that your soul is intimately connected to the energies of Earth, Sky, and Cosmic Consciousness guiding us towards a new Earth and novel ways of being.

During the Full Moon meditation, we’ll embark on a shamanic journey to connect with our inner shaman and innate wisdom. Concentrate on the third chakra to reflect upon your actions, expressions, decisions, and how you assert yourself in the world.

Join us on this profound cosmic journey as we celebrate the Full Moon in Gemini, embracing the harmony within and without on November 27th at 7:30 pm EST / 4:30 pm PST. Trust the process, surrender to the unknown, and allow yourself to be held, supported, and guided towards a new Earth and a higher state of being.


In Radical Love,

Donatella Moltisanti