As the cosmos dance in celestial harmony, we find ourselves on the brink of a profound cosmic event: the New Moon in Pisces, gracing the skies on March 10th. This mystical conjunction with Neptune, the modern ruler of the sign, promises a tidal wave of Piscean energy, enveloping us in a realm where the boundaries between the material and the spiritual blur into ethereal mist. 


Brace yourselves, for this lunation marks the onset of a liminal lunar cycle, a period ripe with magic, emotionality, and opportunities to delve deeper into our spiritual essence.


Pisces, the twelfth sign of the zodiac, reigns over the domain of dreams, intuition, and boundless creativity. It is a realm where reality intertwines with fantasy, where the veils between worlds thin, allowing glimpses into the transcendent realms beyond. With the New Moon in Pisces, we are beckoned to rekindle our connection with the unseen, to surrender to the currents of the intangible, and to embrace the wisdom of letting go.

In the gentle embrace of Piscean waters, we are encouraged to unleash our creative impulses, surrender to the ebb and flow of inspiration, and explore the vast expanses of our imagination. Perhaps, amidst the cosmic symphony, you may find solace in the melodies of your favorite artist or seek refuge in the sanctuary of a newfound crafting project.


Allow yourself to be swept away by the currents of creativity, for in the realm of Pisces, every act of creation is a sacred offering to the universe.


Moreover, the New Moon in Pisces serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of listening to the whispers of intuition that echo within the chambers of our souls. As we navigate the labyrinth of life, our intuition acts as a guiding light, illuminating the path ahead and offering insights that transcend the limitations of rational thought. During this celestial alignment, heed the call of your inner voice, for it is a beacon of wisdom that knows no bounds.

In matters of the heart, the intuitive prowess of Pisces comes to the fore, guiding us through the murky waters of romantic entanglements. Trust in the intuitive wisdom that resides within you, for it is a compass that points towards authentic connections and meaningful relationships. Whether embarking on a new romantic journey or navigating the depths of an existing bond, allow your intuition to be your steadfast companion, guiding you toward love’s true embrace.

As we stand at the threshold of this celestial spectacle, I invite you to join me in honoring the potent energies of the New Moon in Pisces. On March 10th, at 5:30 pm ET / 2:30 pm PT, let us come together in sacred communion as we embark on a transformative journey of sound healing meditation. Together, let us surrender to the mystical currents of Piscean energy, as we weave a tapestry of healing vibrations that resonate with the depths of our souls.

In the embrace of Piscean waters, let us immerse ourselves in the boundless expanse of our collective consciousness, as we release that which no longer serves us and embrace the infinite possibilities that await on the horizon. Join me in this sacred space of renewal and rebirth, as we harness the transformative power of the New Moon in Pisces to awaken the magic that lies dormant within us all.

Together, we embark on this journey of spiritual renewal, as we honor the wisdom of the cosmos and celebrate the eternal dance of light and shadow that resides within us all. May the gentle currents of Piscean energy carry us toward a future illuminated by hope, love, and infinite possibility.

Let’s unite in the spirit of collective healing and transformation, as we embrace the mystic tide of the New Moon in Pisces, and embark on a journey of soulful renewal and rebirth.


In Radical Love,

Donatella Moltisanti