Set Intentions, Cultivate Gratitude, and Embrace Generosity for a Fulfilling Lunar Cycle


As the cosmic dance unfolds, the upcoming lunar cycle promises a tapestry of abundance and good fortune. The celestial spotlight falls on the New Moon in Sagittarius, inviting us to embark on new ventures and set intentions that pave the way for personal growth and development.

To harness the potential of December’s New Moon in Sagittarius, consider embarking on a journey of self-discovery and expansion. Start by identifying areas in your life where you aspire to grow and consciously cultivate a mindset focused on abundance and optimism.

The key to manifesting your highest potential lies in the practice of gratitude. Regardless of the circumstances, recognize the gifts that each experience brings. By centering your attention on gratitude during this lunar cycle, you’ll unlock the doors to personal growth and gain a deeper understanding of yourself.

The New Moon in Sagittarius, guided by the expansive energy of Jupiter, heralds a time of positive potential. Our desires and intentions can manifest with accelerated momentum. Maintain focus on your aspirations while remaining thankful for what you’ve already received.

Having faith in your journey and adopting an optimistic outlook will be instrumental in reaping the benefits of Sagittarius’s benevolent and generous nature. This lunar cycle emphasizes generosity as a central theme, encouraging you to share abundance in all forms—affection, attention, and support. The more generous you are, the more profound the impact on your life and the world around you.

Use this cosmic opportunity for self-reflection. Evaluate the quality of your relationships, the motivation driving personal growth, and cultivate a positive mindset.


By honing your inner sense through focused attention, you can initiate positive changes and create an environment that attracts more abundance and love.


Happiness becomes attainable, and overall well-being improves during this lunar cycle. Foster healthy relationships by setting boundaries, understanding your worth, and surrounding yourself with those who support and uplift you.

Trust the intuitive pull towards your chosen paths. Sagittarius, a sign that thrives on exploration and adventure, encourages journeys of self-improvement and spiritual growth. Feel the urgency to travel, not just physically, but on the paths that lead to your innermost self.

Seek out spaces that resonate with expansiveness and optimism. Stretch your worldview, be open to new ideas, and embrace the richness of living abundantly with deeper meaning. The New Moon in Sagittarius is an invitation to explore, learn, and grow.

As we embark on this lunar journey, I invite everyone to join a live New Moon in Sagittarius Sound Healing Meditation on December 12 at 7:30 pm EST / 4:30 pm PST. Together, let’s harness the celestial energies, set intentions, and welcome abundance and positivity into our lives.


In Radical Love,

Donatella Moltisanti