As the celestial dance continues its mesmerizing rhythm, we find ourselves approaching a pivotal moment in the cosmic calendar: the full moon in Libra, accompanied by a lunar eclipse, slated for March 25. But fear not, for amidst the swirling energies lies a treasure trove of opportunities waiting to be unearthed.

Eclipses, heralds of change and catalysts for transformation, often stir feelings of unrest and apprehension. And with this particular eclipse gracing the skies of Libra, the sense of unease may feel especially pronounced. However, amidst the cosmic turbulence, there exists a guiding principle — the beacon of self-care.


The secret to navigating the tempest of an eclipse lies in embracing self-nurturance.


In the days preceding and following the event, prioritize rest and introspection over hustle and bustle. Wrap yourself in the comfort of familiar pajamas, indulge in the solace of beloved books or shows, and sip on soothing elixirs, be it a glass of warm chocolate or a steaming cup of tea. This is your time to honor the sanctity of your inner world and tend to the needs of your soul.

We all are under the influence of the Cosmic Libra’s graceful sway, the full moon heralds a period of introspection and alignment with the essence of balance and harmony. It beckons us to explore the depths of our emotions, embrace vulnerability, and share our authentic selves with the world. Do not shy away from the tumult of your inner landscape; instead, embrace it wholeheartedly, for therein lies the key to unlocking your truest potential.

March 25 marks a momentous occasion, as the lunar eclipse casts its luminous gaze upon the scales of our destiny. Personal aspirations planted during the solar eclipse of October 14 now bear the fruits of fruition, paving the way for new beginnings and profound revelations. Moreover, this eclipse serves as a crucible for relationships, urging us to reassess boundaries and prioritize self-love over the siren song of people-pleasing tendencies. Remember, you are the protagonist of your narrative, and your needs deserve to take center stage.

In the tapestry of lunar lore, each full moon bears a name steeped in tradition and folklore. From Native American wisdom to European folklore, these names encapsulate the essence of each lunar cycle, serving as a testament to the eternal dance between light and shadow.

In the pages of the Old Farmer’s Almanac, the March full moon is affectionately known as the Worm Moon, a title steeped in the rhythms of nature’s grand symphony. Legend has it that this name stems from the earthworms’ emergence from their winter slumber, heralding the onset of spring’s awakening. However, the tapestry of lunar lore is rich and diverse, with North American Native peoples weaving their own intricate narratives around this celestial luminary. Across tribes and traditions, alternative names for this moon abound, reflecting the myriad perspectives and profound connections to the natural world that have shaped indigenous cultures for millennia.

As we prepare to bask in the luminous glow of the full moon in Libra, let us come together in collective harmony. Join us for the Live Full Moon in Libra Sound Healing Meditation on March 25, 2024, at 7:30 pm ET / 4:30 pm PT, as we attune our spirits to the celestial symphony and embrace the transformative energies that await.

In the embrace of balance and harmony, may we find solace amidst the cosmic tempest and emerge reborn, ready to embrace the next chapter of our journey.


In Radical Love,

Donatella Moltisanti