The Full Moon in Libra on April 6th, 2023, creates a new space for freedom, allowing us to express our true selves with others. This event enables a more authentic self to emerge into consciousness.

Libra, known for its harmonious mediation, negotiation, and divine judgment, encourages us to view our lives more objectively. The Full Moon’s opposition to the Sun in Aries highlights the polarity between self and others. The fiery, passionate, and assertive energies of Aries, Chiron, Jupiter, and Vesta may challenge Libra’s desire for tranquility.

Consider whether you feel energized or drained when interacting with others. Is your inner dialogue nurturing or building protective barriers between you and the outside world?


This lunation reflects upon the quality of the relationships in our lives. Be mindful of situations where you feel compelled to perform for approval or acceptance rather than simply being yourself.


To navigate this intensity, adopt an observational attitude and allow your higher self to process an elevated perspective. Reevaluate how you choose people and circumstances that enable you to manifest your most authentic self.

Venus, the ruling planet of Libra, significantly impacts how we maintain balance when faced with challenges by engaging our hearts. Libra’s shadow energy can hinder our decision-making abilities and openness in communication, leading us to avoid confrontation and become passive.


Chiron’s opposition to the Full Moon is a rare occurrence that may lead to sensitive moments, highlighting a comprehensive internal healing journey encompassing your body, mind, and spirit. Nevertheless, embracing inner wisdom can guide you toward a newfound sense of liberation.


The Sun in Jupiter brings wisdom and blessings from the Angelic Realms, adding joy and hope to our consciousness, awakening our sense of co-creation with Source. Their influence will affect the entire month helping humanity re-discover the power of community and connection through love, communication, support, and collaboration.

Libra emphasizes the importance of personal relationships, inspiring one to embrace love whole heartedly and adapt to the changes brought about by the upcoming Eclipse season.

Focus on intimacy and sensuality, while initiating meaningful conversations about trust, mutual care, and support. Mercury retrograde will guide you in deepening your connection, encouraging you to research, explore the psychology of the subconscious, and heal past traumas that hinder the flow of love and happiness.

Join me to enhance your self-awareness and power of observation on April 6th, Thursday at 7:30 PM EST.


In Radical love,