As the celestial gears continue to turn, bringing us closer to the much-anticipated Full Moon in Virgo on February 24, 2024, astrological enthusiasts and spiritual seekers alike are preparing to harness its unique energy. Nestled within the analytical embrace of the Virgo constellation, this full moon beckons us to delve into the realms of organization, routine refinement, and holistic wellness.

Virgo, the diligent cosmic maiden of the zodiac, governs with meticulous attention to detail and practicality. It’s a sign that thrives on methodical approaches and the pursuit of perfection, not in an unattainable sense, but rather in the context of continuous improvement and optimization. 


As we bask in the glow of this lunar event, we are urged to scrutinize our daily rituals, discerning which habits serve our highest good and which may be in need of adjustment.


This particular full moon serves as a poignant catalyst for introspection and realignment. It may have you making realizations about how you can adjust your routine to be more productive and what little tasks are worth your time and energy. Moreover, under the nurturing influence of Virgo, we may find ourselves contemplating strategies to enhance our physical well-being, whether through dietary modifications, lifestyle adjustments, or simply prioritizing self-care practices.

However, the influence of this celestial event extends beyond the realm of earthly matters. As the Sun illuminates the mystical waters of Pisces, our intuitive faculties are heightened, offering invaluable guidance amidst the practical considerations of Virgo. Balancing rationality with intuition becomes paramount during this time, as we strive to integrate both aspects of our consciousness to navigate life’s complexities.

Astrologers emphasize the importance of setting intentions during the Virgo New Moon, which occurred approximately six months prior to this full moon. Like seeds planted in fertile soil, these intentions now bear fruit, manifesting in various aspects of our lives. The full moon period thus becomes a time of harvest, where we reap the rewards of our past endeavors while laying the groundwork for future growth and evolution.

In a celestial dance of cosmic harmony, the full moon in Virgo coincides with a conjunction between Venus and Mars in the sign of Aquarius. This alignment of the feminine (Venus) and masculine (Mars) principles holds profound implications for our interpersonal relationships and romantic experiences. As these celestial bodies converge, we are invited to explore the delicate balance between assertiveness and receptivity, passion and compassion, within our connections with others.

As we prepare to embrace the energetic currents of the upcoming full moon, an invitation is extended to all seekers of spiritual enlightenment and personal growth. Join us for a Live Full Moon Meditation on February 24th at 5:30 pm EST / 2:30 pm PST, as we collectively attune to the transformative energies of this celestial event. Together, we’ll navigate the cosmic currents with grace, wisdom, and unwavering faith in the infinite possibilities that lie ahead.


In Radical Love,

Donatella Moltisanti