Get ready to ignite your inner fire because the cosmos is gearing up for a cosmic spectacle: the New Moon in Aries, coupled with a solar eclipse, on April 8th, 2024. This celestial event packs a punch, setting the stage for transformative changes that will unfold over the next six months.


Solar eclipses hold immense power, casting their influence far and wide.


As the sun and moon align in the courageous sign of Aries, we’re presented with a rare opportunity to seize control of our destinies. It’s time to embrace our passions, assert our desires, and fearlessly pursue our dreams.

Under the spell of the Aries New Moon and solar eclipse, expect epiphanies and surprises to emerge, guiding you toward newfound wisdom and empowerment. But remember, it’s not enough to simply receive these insights—you must act upon them. Channel your determination, courage, and fighting spirit to turn your aspirations into reality.


Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, is known for its boldness, courage, and pioneering spirit.


Under the influence of this dynamic sign, we are encouraged to step into our power, embrace our authenticity, and pursue our passions with unwavering determination.

The New Moon in Aries heralds a time of fresh starts and new beginnings. It ignites within us a sense of urgency and excitement, urging us to take action and pursue our goals with vigor. This is a time to set intentions, plant seeds of intention, and take the first steps toward manifesting our dreams.

This isn’t a time for hesitation or self-doubt. To fully harness the energy of this cosmic event, you must embody the qualities of Aries: leadership, adventure, and innovation. Step boldly into the unknown, share your ideas with the world, and embrace the thrill of new beginnings.

The influence of the New Moon and solar eclipse encourages us to plant the seeds of our intentions, knowing that we’ll reap the rewards in due time. Use this potent period to initiate projects, set intentions, and manifest your deepest desires in the quantum field.

As the fiery energy of Aries propels us forward, we are reminded to trust in our instincts and follow the path that lights us up from within. This is a time to break free from the constraints of the past and embrace the limitless potential of the future.

During this New Moon, we are invited to connect with the energies of Aries. 

I have chosen for you, a card from my Manifestation Cards Deck to master the energy of Fresh Start and elevate it to a higher level. 

To be open to the flow of creativity, we have to come out of the idea that we are separated from the Whole. Tune into the ocean of the creative force present in the cosmos and allow it to flow through you.

You can buy your own set of Manifestation Cards here.

Join me to ignite your inner fire and tap into your innate courage and resilience. It is a time to embrace change, take risks, and boldly pursue your aspirations. With the support of the cosmos, you have the power to create the life you desire and deserve.

Mark your calendar, because on April 8th at 7:30 pm ET / 4:30 pm PT, I invite you to join me for a New Moon in Aries Live Sound Healing Meditation. Together, we’ll tap into the transformative energy of this cosmic event, harnessing its power to set intentions, release the old, and pave the way for a future filled with abundance and joy. 

I am looking forward to sharing with you the magic of the universe and unlocking your highest potential. 

See you there! 🌑✨


In Radical Love,

Donatella Moltisanti