Ancestral Healing Journey with Donatella


10 – 60 Minute Sessions


Are you ready to free yourself from the energetic ancestral bondages inherent in your lineage? There is beauty and support coming from our lineage, as well as energy patterns that have been created in situations of stress, shock, and trauma that are unconsciously passed on.  It can be exceedingly painful and challenging for an individual to find the space for true self-realization when obstacles, hardship, old patterns, family bonds, and struggles are part of the family’s story. Are you ready to free your spirit from guilt, shame, emotional restrictions, scarcity, and unrealistic expectations? If your day-to-day tasks are challenging and your dreams are sitting on a shelf, you are the right candidate for an Ancestral Healing Journey with Donatella.

Additional information


10- 60 Minute Sessions, Ancestral Healing Package $3330


As you prepare for your journey of your ancestral healing process I would like you to start preparing an altar dedicated to your lineage. The altar needs to have sandalwood incense, a candle, crystals, a picture of you as a child, and pictures of any supportive relatives and family members.